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General rules and personality self appearance

General rules

General rules is a rules that must be obeyed by the users while in PPAK . The rules that must be followed by users is:

  1. Users are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, spit, sleep, and smear in the library. .
  2. Users are not allowed to make noise and disturb the peace of other users.
  3. Users are not allowed to take pictures without the permissions of the authority.
  4. Users must throw trash into the provided basket.
  5. Users are not allowed to change the furniture inside the library.
  6. Users are not allowed to bring bags, files, books, magazines, paper notes, bound materials, umbrellas, helmets, knives, scissors and other sharp objects and so on.User is required to leave the unallowed materials to the place provided.
  7. The Kelantan Public Library Corporation will not be responsible for the loss or safety of the goods. Any damage or loss is the responsibility of users .
  8. Pets are not allowed in the library.
  9. Do not rush while entering or exit the library.
  10. Book a seat is not allowed and any books or tools left on tables or chairs will be collected by staff.
  11. Obscene or indecent act is strictly prohibited in the library.
  12. When leaving the library, users must shows things that they got out from the library .
  13. Users are not allowed in the prohibited areas or notice as "Staff Only".
  14. Users are not allowed to damage the library tool by smudging, scratching, staining or by any means.
  15. Librarian on duty is entitled to direct the user who does not follow the rules out of the library.
  16. Parents / guardian escort must not let their kids from making noise or disturbing the peace of other users.
  17. Please make sure users are in the ethic code. Kelantan Public Library Corporation staff reserves the right to prevent users from entering the library.
  18. Please follow all the rules and regulations by Kelantan Public Library Corporation from time to time.


Personality self appearance

Users stricted to:

  1. Wear singlets or sleeveless shirts
  2. Wearing pajamas
  3. Wearing short pants (Adults)
  4. Wearing short skirts (Adults)
  5. Wearing skinny jeans
  6. Wearing slippers
  7. Wearing cap
  8. Wearing jackets
  9. Bring in camera, video recorder / cassette, video games unless authorized by the Library and Information Services Division
  10. Inappropriate dress or doing inappropriate behavior or inappropriate in view of the librarian.

Library employees have the right to block visitors who does not comply with the established ethics when enter the library.

Visitors are required to restrain themself to follow the ethic dress code such as for hair which is too long (men) wearing headband, unorganized looks and so in view of the librarian does not fit into the library.

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