Strategy I Strengthening the structure, function and role of the State Public Library in the development of the state. Objectives:
Strengthening leadership State Public Library
Improve the performance of management and administration of State Public Library
Improve efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the vision and mission of the State Public Library
Human Resources
Strategy II Enhance comprehensive human resources through a comprehensive and effective program. Objectives:
Provide competency development program for all employees.
Ensure that all members of the course/exam required.
Digitization Program continuously improve member for supporting the vision and mission of the library.
b)Building Infrastructure
Strategy III Broaden and strengthen libraries across the state. Objectives:
Expanding the range of library services throughout the state.
Ensuring Public Library under the Development Project Five-Year Malaysia is on schedule
Collection Development
Strategy IV Enhancing information resource management and development Objectives:
Develop sufficient information based on the Current Standards.
Managing information resources by Current Standards.
Strategy V State Centre of Excellence Knowledge strengthens the State Public Library as the centre of excellence of the State Knowledge resources. Objectives:
Strengthen the collection of the State
Improve the delivery of services and information about the State
Extending the development of local digital content
Enhance heritage resources of the State
c)Information and Communication Technology
Strategy VI Improving information and communication technology infrastructure and facilitate access to information resources to reduce the digital divide and knowledge. Objectives:
Maximize the application of information and communication technology in the management and operation of the library.
Ensure effective operation of the integrated library system to ensure the quality of library services.
Strategy VII Provides library services and information quality Objectives:
Ensure the delivery of library and information services that meet consumers' satisfaction.
Providing library and information services environment conducive
Strategy VIII Intensify programs reading and lifelong learning. Objectives:
Expand the implementation of motion read.
A catalyst for lifelong learning
Cultivating Knowledgeable Society "Melahirkan Masyarakat Berbudaya Ilmu"
ProvidingInformationandKnowledgeInfrastructureResources For All Society