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Introduction to Open Data

No. Dataset Dataset only available in Malay Format Date
1 Lokasi Perpustakaan di Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 9, 2021
2 Laporan Bilangan Pengunjung Perpustakaan di Seluruh Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 10, 2021
3 Laporan Bilangan Keahlian Baharu Perpustakaan di Seluruh Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 10, 2021
4 Statistik Pinjaman Koleksi di Semua Perpustakaan Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 10, 2021
5 Statistik Penggunaan Kemudahan ICT Yang Disediakan di Perpustakaan di Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 10, 2021
6 Statistik Bilangan dan Penyertaan Aktiviti di semua Perpustakaan di Negeri Kelantan .CSV March 10, 2021

Introduction to Open Data

Open data refers to government data that can be used independently, can be shared and reused by the people, the public or private sector agencies for any purpose. It serves as a driving force in people-centric government initiatives. Implementation of open data can improve the quality and transparency of government service delivery through the sharing of data that is accurate, timely and relevant. In addition, it also can increase the productivity and economy through industrial / new innovation with the involvement of citizens and the business community.

PPublic Sector Open Data Portal (DTSA) of was developed in 2014 and has got a rating of Open Data on the international stage in 41st position out of 86 countries. Portal DTSA facilitate open government data accessed centrally from an official source.

Further information on the implementation of the Public Sector Open Data can be found through the following circular:
General Circular No. 1/2015 - Public Sector Open Data Execution

Open Data Kelantan Public Library Corporation

Kelantan Public Library Corporation responded to the government's initiative to implement open data to improve the quality and transparency of government service delivery through the sharing of data that is accurate, timely and relevant. This page is created to display a set of data that can be shared and reused by the people, the public or private sector agencies for any purpose.

Terms of Use Government Open Data 1.0

The use of data or data re-use must comply with the terms and conditions set out below.

1. The use of data under these terms

The data owner authorizes the use of data without any charge.

2. Users can perform the following actions:

  1. Copy, publish, circulate and transfer the data;
  2. Adapt data;
  3. Use of data for commercial and non-commercial purposes; and
  4. Combine data with other data or include data in the product or application created by the User.

3. If implementing any of the action specified in paragraph 2, the User must:

  1. Mention the data sources in the products or applications based on the statement given by the owner of the data;
  2. Provide the link to these Terms of Use; and
  3. If the data owner does not provide a statement related to the ownship of the intellectual property data, Users must use and include the following statement: "Data and information are subject to the Malaysian Government Open Data Terms of Use 1.0"

4. Exemption

These Terms of Use do not assign any rights against:

  1. Personal data;
  2. The name, emblem, logo or any other official symbol of the data owner;
  3. Logo of the public sector organization or department;
  4. The symbol of the royalty and military insignia;
  5. Rights of the third parties to whom the data owner has no power against;
  6. Any intellectual property rights including patents, trademarks and design rights; and
  7. Identity couments such as the Malaysian Passport, MyKad.

5. No Guarantee

  1. The data is in the form as provided by the data owner. The Owner of data is excluded from any representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities with respect to the data; and
  2. The data owner is not responsible for any errors and data loss. The data owner is not responsible for any kind of loss, injury or damage resulting from the use of such data. The data owner does not provide a guarantee that any particular data will be provided continuously.

6. Law

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction and the owner of the data is the primary owner of the data.

Reference source:
1) Terms of Use Government Open Data 1.0 (Amendment : 30 September 2015)

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Lokasi Perpustakaan di Negeri Kelantan